Episode 07: Saint Hubert
December 26, 2022
After seeing a magnificent vision of a stag with a crucifix between its antlers, Saint Hubert dedicated his life to Christ. He was known for his generosity, eloquence, devotion – and for his ability to cast out demons, and provide miraculous healings, including curing rabies. Years after Saint Hubert’s death, his intercession was called on to cure and prevent rabies – sometimes using threads from his miraculous stole, and other times using a device which became known as Saint Hubert’s Key.
sources for this episode:
• “A MEDIEVAL MEDAL OF ST. HUBERT.” American Journal of Numismatics (1897-1924) 32, no. 4 (1898): 103–5.
• Butler's Lives of the Saints
• Catholic Online (https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=3802)
• CatholicSaints.info (https://catholicsaints.info/a-garner-of-saints-saint-hubert/) (https://catholicsaints.info/weningers-lives-of-the-saints-saint-hubert-bishop-of-maestricht-and-liege/)
• Full Cry: a Hound Blog. "St Hubert and the Blessing of the Hounds" (https://houndwelfare.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/st-hubert-and-the-blessing-of-the-hounds/)
• Science Museum Group. "St Hubert's Key" (https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/objects/co107664/st-huberts-key-nail )
• Small Blessings: Amulets at the Pitt Rivers Museum (http://web.prm.ox.ac.uk/amulets/index.php/keys-amulet3/index.html)
• Walsh, William S. "Curiosities of Popular Customs and of Rites, Ceremonies, Observances, and Miscellaneous Antiquities". Y.B. Lippincott Company, 1897.
Theme music is Mariam Matrem Virginem, played by a forest beggar.