Episode 03: Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
November 14, 2022
Though he felt drawn to religious life, Francesco Possenti ignored the call for years, preferring fine clothes, dancing, and the company of women. After hearing the voice of the Blessed Virgin Mary, however, Francesco made his way to the Passionist order, where he received his religious habit and his new name, Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. Though he died young, Gabriel was held as an example of piety to all those in his order. Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows intercession is credited with many miraculous healings.
sources for this episode:
Catholic Online ( https://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=3497 )
The Life of Ven. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows by Hyancinth Hage
Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows ( https://stgabriel.wordpress.com )